secret hard water

Say Farewell to Hard Water Stains

If you’ve ever heard the phrase that you can’t see the forest for the trees, we have a perfect example of it. So many of us have to deal with hard water issues that are a constant factor in life. In fact, the stains from the hard water can surround us, on marble counters, toilets, dishes and more.

We all have tips and tricks for trying to focus on the stains or products to buy. After all, some industries revolve around keeping you coming back for more, rather than finding a long term solution.

Well, at Chris Wilson Plumbing & Heating Repairs Inc., we are about solving your problems for the long term. We’ll show you some tips for getting rid of those hard water stains with ease and then solve the problem so you never have to deal with them again.

Why Do We Have Hard Water Problems?

hardwaterHard water is a naturally occurring phenomenon, especially when the local water sources come in contact with lots of mineral deposits.

The minerals in nature find their way into the water supply, leading to a concentration of these minerals, notably calcium and magnesium.

The higher the concentration of these minerals, the harder the water. It is worth noting that there is nothing inherently unhealthy about hard water.

After all, these minerals are perfectly natural. However, there are still plenty of effects you notice. Besides the stains, hard water can cause build up in your pipes and aggravating skin and hair conditions.

What Is The Best Tip for Battling Hard Water Stains?

cleaningstainsHard water stains can be found throughout your house. From the kitchen to the bathroom and even on to your car, via the water of a sprinkler. Each of the surfaces you find hard water on requires a different technique for removing the stains.

Some are easier than others. For instance, hard water stains found on marble countertops can be removed with a simple marble cleaner and a soft towel.

However, if you are dealing with stains on glass, you will need to use an acidic cleaner, complete with eye and mouth protection. Obviously, the best solution is to actually stop the stains before they even start.

How To Stop Hard Water Stains For the Long Haul

cleaningstainsWhile all these tips can help you get rid of the stains, for now, a water softener or water filtration system can help you get rid of the stains for good. These systems function by removing the calcium and magnesium deposits from the water.

This is done using a process known as ion exchange, where a resin bed serves as the agent which absorbs the hard water causing minerals. These systems are incredibly low maintenance, with some even able to perform routine maintenance functions on their own.

They are also incredibly effective, ensuring that you don’t have to battle hard water stains again. If you want solutions to those pesky stains, we’re happy to help. If you want to learn about your water softening options, please call us at Chris Wilson Plumbing & Heating Repairs Inc. at (831) 393-9321. Also, if you have friends battling hard water, please hit the share button so they can look for a permanent solution.