AC Repair Company

Fast and accurate air conditioning repair services in the Central Coast of California. We serve nearby areas of Carmel Valley, Pacific Grove, Aptos, and more!

Air conditioning problems can happen unexpectedly. You may wake up one morning to find that the unit is leaking, or you may not be getting the level of cool air you expect. No matter the problem, Chris Wilson Plumbing & Heating Repairs Inc will get to the bottom of the issue and resolve it. We inspect your system and carry out an accurate diagnosis to present you with the most cost-effective solution. As your local AC repair contractor in Northern California, we are committed to ensuring your total peace of mind and year-round comfort.

Air Conditioning Repair Service - Chris Wilson Plumbing & Heating Repairs Inc

Common AC Problems in the

There’s nothing worse than turning on your air conditioner when summer hits only to find it’s not keeping you as cool as it used to or won’t work at all. Some common air conditioner problems include:

  • One of the more common problems affecting your AC unit is a frozen evaporator coil. When this happens, you will start to notice a decrease in cooling efficiency and perhaps a rise in your energy bill for the month.
  • If you notice that some areas of your home seem cooler than others, there may be a problem with the thermostat.
  • Refrigerant leaks are also a common issue. This can signal an improperly sized AC unit or one that was poorly installed. Do not attempt to top off the refrigerant on your own; a professional will need to inspect the unit and repair the leak, then recharge your AC with the correct refrigerant level.

At Chris Wilson Plumbing & Heating Repairs, Inc, our expert technicians are ready and available 24/7 for emergency repairs. Time for an AC tune-up? We recommend annual maintenance check-ups to keep your air conditioner working as it should.